Technology is one that is crossing the limits that we can achieve. It is changing the way to buy a thing online. From the online shopping to buy the grocery everything being online.
And now it comes to the medicine delivery app. Imagine of ill that you can’t able to go outside to buy medicine and nobody at your back or call?
So, if you have a further option to get your medicine delivered at your doorstep you can’t miss this chance. An online pharmacy app is one of the best solutions for it.
Before, going to further information just look at the revenue of the pharmaceutical worldwide.
According to Statista:
In 2014, the revenue had exceeded 1 trillion U.S. dollars for the first time.
For this revenue, North America is responsible for the largest area.
However, the Chinese pharmaceutical sector has also become the highest growth rate over the previous years.
The leading pharmaceutical company comes from the United States and Europe
The U.S. individual carries over 45% of the global pharmaceutical market.
In the year 2018, the total global pharmaceutical market valuation is 1.2 trillion U.S. dollars.
It increases the market valued at 390 billion U.S. dollars from the year 2001.
The pharmaceutical market plays an important role in how people buy medications and what people pay for medicine. So, it is the grate market place to make a medicine delivery app.

Now, let’s look the Features Include in Medicine Delivery App
Medicine Delivery User App Features
Login/ Sign Up
To use the medicine delivery app, users can log in or sign up through social sites like Facebook, Google or Email.
Upload Prescription
The user has the option to upload a medicine prescription and order medicine conveniently.
Track location
After medicine order accepts by the store, the user can track the live location of their medicine order.
Payment Option
A user has a flexible payment option such as card, cash or in-app wallet to pay for their medicine order.
Order History
A user has an option to view their all completed, pending, running, and cancel order history with all details.
After completing the order, the user gives review and rating to the delivery person based on their offers services.
Medicine Delivery Delivery Person App Features:
Manage Profile
A delivery person can manage their Profile information such as name, delivery radius, address and profile picture.
Manage document
The delivery person can upload and manage the document which is required to getting the new-order request.
In-App Map Navigation
If a delivery person has trouble to find the user location, they can use Google navigation maps within the app.
Easy Call
A delivery person can call to user/store within the app if any query regarding the order.
View Feedback
A delivery person views the feedback given by the user when the delivery order is completed.
Medicine Delivery Store App Features:
Similar to the user app, a store can log in or signup via social media sites like Facebook, Google or via Email.
Manage Information
The store can manage their information like contact details, email id, store address, and much more information.
Manage Product details
All the details related to the product such as chemical composition, benefits, side-effects, etc. managed by the store.
Manage price
The store can manage the pricing of all the display product. They can increase or decrease product pricing as per the market norms.
Manage Order
A store can manage all the order request. If the store has not currently available to accept online order they can cancel the request.
How Much Cost to Develop Medicine Delivery App?
The development cost of the medicine delivery app is dependant on various factors such as features, technology platform and most important factors in which location you want to develop your application.
If you want advanced features in your medicine delivery app then the cost may increase. Also, if you want both an Android and iOS application, the cost may vary.
If you have an idea to develop your medicine delivery app for your startup business; Applionsoft will make your dream comes true!
We deliver both Android and iOS applications with a super web panel for your medicine delivery app. Also, we customized your application as per your requirement. For more information feel free to contact us!